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current patients


Access your portal to view visit summaries, lab results, upload documents, request an appointment, pay bills and message your provider.


Please note that your provider will do their best to respond to your messages and make your after visit summary available within 48-72 hours of your message or visit.


If you are an established patient wishing to be seen for an acute/urgent matter, please call the office as providers may have availability not shown on scheduler.



Access our online dispensary to purchase supplements to have them shipped and delivered directly to you. 


As a patient, you will receive a discount and are not charged taxes for supplements recommended by your provider when ordered through our Fullscript account.

Current patient with a billing question?

We utilize Nightingale Billing as our liaison between the insurance companies. If you have a question about your current bill, invoice, or EOB please reach out directly to our billing representative, Leah by phone 206-337-2595 or email

Write a review
review our clinic & providers by clicking the photo

4302 SW Alaska St,
Suite 200 
Seattle, WA 98116
Phone: 206-937-6747
Fax: 206-905-0696


By Appointment Only

Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM



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You will receive a response in 2-3 business days

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